Check and Clear Your Spotify Listening History (2022)

Check Your Spotify Listening History (Desktop & Web)

  1. Open the Spotify app, and you will see a “Recently played” section in the Home tab. Click on the “See all” button to view the complete list.
  2. Upon expanding the list, Spotify shows your recently played songs, artists, and playlists. If you are interested to see the list of recently played songs instead, check the next step.
  3. If you want to see the songs you recently played, click on the “Queue” button at the bottom-right corner of the app and switch to the “Recently played” tab.
  4. You will now see your Spotify listening history. Through this section, you can easily keep track of the list of songs you recently played on Spotify.

Check Your Spotify Listening History on Mobile (Android & iOS)

Checking your Spotify listening history on mobile is even easier. Open the Spotify app and tap on the clock icon at the top-right corner of the screen. Tapping this button will take you to the songs list. Much like its desktop counterpart, you will also find a “Recently played” section in the app’s Home tab too.

Clear Spotify Listening History: Is it Possible?

Spotify’s old desktop app used to have an option to remove songs from the recently played section. However, with the new Spotify UI, it is no longer possible to clear your Spotify listening history. Meanwhile, it’s worth mentioning that songs you play while you’re in a private session are also shown in the recently played list.
If you want to hide what you’re currently playing from people you follow on Spotify, check the next section.

Make Spotify Listening History Private

  1. To hide your Spotify listening activity on desktop, click on your profile and choose Settings. Now, scroll down until you find the “Social” section and disable the “Share my listening activity on Spotify” toggle. In addition, you can also choose to turn on private sessions from this page. The music you play in private sessions doesn’t influence your recommendations.
  2. On Spotify’s mobile app, you can disable listening activity by tapping on the Settings icon from the top-right corner and turning off the “Listening activity” toggle. Q: Can I use Spotify private session to avoid logging songs on listening history? Contrary to popular belief, songs you play in private session show up on your listening history. When you enable private sessions, Spotify doesn’t show the music you’re playing to your friends and doesn’t influence song recommendations.
    Q: Can I see Spotify listening history of others? No, Spotify doesn’t display the listening history of others. However, you can view someone else’s recently played artists if they have enabled the option. You can also see what your mutually followed friends are currently playing from the right sidebar in the desktop app.
    Q: Can everyone see my Spotify listening history? While others may be able to see your recently played artists if you have enabled the “Show my recently played artists on my public profile” toggle, no one can view your listening history.

Check Your Spotify Listening History

So that’s how you can check your Spotify listening history on desktop and mobile. If you are interested in checking out insights into your Spotify listening habits, do not forget to read our article on how to see your Spotify stats. For more such tips, feel free to go through our roundup of the best Spotify tips and tricks.