How to Kick Someone Off Your Netflix Account (2022)

You might want to kick people out of your Netflix account for several reasons. For instance, you temporarily logged in through your friend’s TV, and now he is enjoying his time with your account. Or, there might be some malicious activity going on in which your Netflix account is compromised. I have covered how to identify and remove a device from your Netflix account in this guide.
Please note that Netflix recommends using an account in a single house. So, if you are using Netflix from numerous locations, it might flag your account as suspicious and put it on hold. I have shared some security measures you should consider to safeguard your Netflix account and avoid the trouble of losing it if multiple people use it.

How to Find Connected Devices on Netflix

Firstly, it’s better to be aware of any suspicious devices using your Netflix account. Let’s say you like to watch Netflix on your awesome 4K UHD Smart TV. Now, if you see a Windows laptop streaming content from your account, but you never logged in from a Windows device, well, that’s suspicious. 
The recent device streaming activity on Netflix shows us which devices have used the account recently. It also shows the IP address for each device, location, and last streaming time. You can read the device name to make an informed decision if you want to remove that device from your account or not. Here’s how to find a list of all connected devices on your Netflix account.

Log in to Netflix from a web browser. Then, hover over your profile icon at the top-right corner and move to the “Account” settings from the drop-down menu.

Here, click on “Recent device streaming activity” under the Settings section. 

The next page will show you a list of all the devices using your Netflix account, along with the last three times someone has used a specific device to stream from a particular IP address. You will also see the location from where the device is accessing your account. If you find anything suspicious, like unknown devices or IP addresses, it’s better to kick out that device. 

Remove All Devices to Kick Someone Off Netflix

You can sign out your device from the options menu on Netflix. However, there is no option to kick out an individual device remotely. Therefore, you have to sign out of all devices at once from the account settings page. This setting signs out and removes every device using your Netflix account, and everyone will need to log in again. Follow the below steps to learn how to do that.

Sign in to Netflix using a web browser. Then, go to the “Account” settings by hovering over the profile icon at the top-right corner.

Now, click the “Sign out of all devices” option available under the Settings section.

Confirm your choice on the next page by clicking the blue “Sign Out” button.

And that’s pretty much it. Netflix will now sign out your account from every device, including the one you are using for this process. The next step would be to log in again and change the password as soon as possible, which brings us to our next section.

Change Password on Netflix

Changing passwords is necessary if other people are abusing your Netflix account. Sometimes people also save passwords on their devices for quick access, so changing the password will restrict them from logging back in. After you change the password, you can choose who to share it with and manage the number of devices you let sign in to your account. Just follow the below steps to change your Netflix account password.

Sign in to Netflix using a web browser. Then, move to the “Account” settings page by hovering over the profile icon.

Next, click the “Change password” option available in the “Membership & Billing” section.

On the next page, enter your current and the new password, and click Save.

Remember to check the box saying, “Require all devices to sign in again with the new password” to ensure all new devices need to enter the new credentials for your Netflix account.
If your account is compromised and someone else has changed your password, you can still get back your account using secondary methods. Please read our detailed guide on how to change Netflix passwords to know more.

Security Measures to Keep your Netflix Account Safe

You might wonder why someone will hack a Netflix account. There is no particular reason to do so, but a secondary motive is to gain email ids and passwords. People usually use the same password for multiple websites and apps since it’s easier to remember. Therefore, if a hacker gains access to your Netflix account details, he might also infiltrate your other online accounts. 
I recommend using a unique password for Netflix, which is hard to guess. Even if you share this password, your other accounts should be safe. Moreover, if you find it difficult to remember your passwords, use a password manager. It will save all your account details securely and suggest strong passwords for you as well. 
Lastly, if your Netflix account is compromised and you can’t recover it, cancel your Netflix subscription to avoid extra charges. You can stop the payments from your credit/debit card company if accessing your account is not an option. 

Does Netflix have 2-factor authentication?

No, Netflix does not have 2-factor authentication when writing this article. 

Does Netflix notify you of suspicious logins?

Yes, if Netflix detects a new login from your account, it sends a notification email to your primary email address. If you find the login suspicious, change your Netflix password immediately.

Can I remove a single device from Netflix?

Unfortunately, you can not remove a single device from Netflix. If you want to kick people out, you have to remove everyone at once from the account. Then, you can share your password with limited people to keep the streaming screens in check. 

Does Netflix log out when you change your password?

If you choose to check the box saying “Require all devices to sign in again using a new password,” Netflix will log out your account from every device. But, it won’t log you out from your current device. 

Kick People Hogging Your Netflix Account Easily

So that’s basically how you can kick someone off your Netflix account easily. In case someone has used your profile to stream and messed up your recommendations, you can opt to delete your Netflix history as well and fix your recommended feed. What’s more, if you’re feeling extra petty towards the unwanted streamer, you can delete their profile from your Netflix account as well. Hopefully Netflix will someday bring a feature to kick out individual devices, but until then, you can use this guide and ensure your Netflix account is being used only be people you want.