7 New Instagram DM Features Introduced

Firstly, Instagram will now let you multitask on the app while messaging someone. So say, if you are scrolling through the Explore section and receive a new message, you can simply reply to it from there itself without heading to the DM section and ultimately not forget which post you were checking out.
Sharing an interesting reel or post with friends has now been made easier as you will have the option to quickly share content with your close friends. All you need to do is long-press the share icon, which shows up a quick list of your close friends. Tapping either of those friends will make the sharing easier. We already shared this useful tip on our YouTube Shorts channel, so subscribe for more such tips and tricks.
Instagram will also show who’s online at the top of your inbox so that you can possibly try to start a conversation. This feature is already live for me, and I assume it will now roll out widely to all users.
Furthermore, Instagram now has a new shortcut, which will let you send a silent notification to others. Just add a “@silent” shortcut before the message, and you will be able to easily send a message without disturbing them. This is the same shortcut that was recently introduced on Facebook Messenger. And, you will now be able to create a poll on a group chat, much like you can on Messenger.
These new Instagram message features are currently available in select countries and will reach more regions soon. Do let us know which one you are excited about in the comments below!