Mixed Reality for Practical Medical Training!

Cambridge University Hospitals NHS (CUH) recently took to Twitter to share that medical students at Addenbrooke’s Hospital are the world’s first to use a new virtual training system for a new way of learning. The training system is called HoloScenarios and is being developed by CUH, the University of Cambridge, and an LA-based technology firm GigXR. You can check out the tweet along with a short video attached right below. Medical students at Addenbrooke’s are the first in the world to experience a new way of learning, using the latest in mixed reality holographic patients.The new training application HoloScenarios is being developed in partnership with @Cambridge_Uni and @GIGXR1. 🤯 pic.twitter.com/Pr3BFsqWhy— Cambridge University Hospitals NHS (@CUH_NHS) June 27, 2022
Now, with the new HoloScenarios training system, students can wear a mixed reality headset and perform medical surgeries and diagnoses on virtual, 3D holographic subjects. These subjects could be medically-accurate and multi-layered and could come with different medical issues.
Currently, HoloScenarios work with a patient with conditions like asthma, anaphylaxis, pulmonary embolism, and pneumonia has been developed by GigXR. The company is also developing other modules for cardiology and neurology conditions. “With HoloScenarios, we’re helping to evolve education from a mentorship-based model to one where students around the world can have equal access to top-flight expertise for mastering invention-based clinical skills,” Dr. Arun Gupta, the chief of the HoloScenrio project and a consultant anesthetic at CUH, said in a statement.
David King Lassman, the founder of GigXR says that providing a 360-degree view of medically-accurate patients “represents a milestone for GigXR” and could provide medical students with more flexible, cost-effective training than traditional methods that require more resources and investments for maintaining labs and hiring patient actors.
So, what do you think about using mixed reality for medical training? Let us know your thoughts on it in the comments below. Also, stay tuned for more such interesting stories.